Monday, October 5, 2009

a quick thought about writing

One more thing. I was thinking about writing today, and why I find it so productive. I always find out a lot about myself when I write. I think it's because you have to be very honest with yourself. Or at least I do. If I am not I will not be able to write, or I will not be able to write something satisfying anyway. If I am avoiding something, even if I don't know it, I will be able to tell because my writing will be contrived. This is why it takes me so long to write.

love and work

Maybe this blog should be called, "Inspiring Quotes from the CBC." Today I was listening to a podcast of Tapestry and Mary Hynes quoted Freud:

"A healthy human being is one who can love and work."

I think Freud probably got a lot wrong, but I like this one.